Art Deco Society Auckland New Zealand - Promotes interest in and preservation of the Art Deco style in all its manifestations. Joining, events, preservation issues. Early 20th-century New Zealand artists. -
Art Deco - Lee Tanner provides pictures and raytraced images of Art Deco objects. -
Art Deco Society Inc. - A non-profit organisation promoting the preservation Art Deco in Victoria and Tasmania. News, events, publications, membership. -
The Art Deco Society of New York - A non-profit organization for the study, preservation and celebration of all forms of Art Deco. Membership, events, newsletter, links. -
Fair Park Mural Conservation Project - Aims to conserve the murals of Carlo Ciampaglia at Fair Park, Dallas, a product of the 1936 Texas Centennial Celebration. Illustrated history of Fair Park, project overview and progress. -
Decopix - Randy Juster provides dozens of spectacular photographs of the world's major Art Deco buildings, along with a discussion of the style and examples of art and design of the period. -
Artlex on Art Deco - The Art Deco entry from this visual arts dictionary provides a description and examples of the style, with links to related entries and web-sites. -