Images from History - Collection of photographs and maps, with commentary, covering the Late Roman Empire to Early Medieval Europe, from the University of Alabama. Sculptures, relief, mosaic, painting and minor arts. -
Riley Collection of Roman Portrait Sculptures - Online catalog of the Roman portrait sculptures at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. Images from all angles and commentary on their historical and cultural context, with sources. -
Roman Glass - Reflections on Cultural Change - Traveling exhibition organized by the University of Pennsylvania that illustrates how glassmaking was influenced by historical events and changing social values in the Roman world. -
Roman Ceramics - A scientific look at subjects such as Roman brick, amphoras, Corinth ceramics, Megarian bowls, terracottas. -
Theatrum Pompei Project - The Theatrum Pompei Project covers the theater of Pompey and Rome during the fifties B.C. -
Ancient Art - Rome - Detroit Institute of Arts : Permanent Collection. Overview and clear well selected images. -
Ancient Rome - The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights. This varied collection of Roman art spans the period from the late period of the Republic (1st century BC) to the late Empire (4th century AD), but most important is the collection of sculptural portrai -