Underwater Hockey Tourist
- Traveling to another country? Find a game or a practice session anywhere in the world. Details include cost, locations, schedules, contact information, and individual club links.
- http://www.pucku.org/uwht/
University of Illinois (Champaign) Underwater Hockey - Offers news, tournaments, co-ed and women's clubs, practice times, contact information, and a puck-handling tutorial. - https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ro/www/UnderwaterHockey/
True Blue Underwater Hockey Supplies - Provides product details and ordering information, and information about the sport generally. - http://www.true-blue.com.au/
Dunstable Octopush Team - Includes news, history of the sport, adult and youth team information, and directions for this group from Bedfordshire, England. - http://www.gbuwh.co.uk/dunstable
Women's Underwater Hockey - University of Illinois site includes news, practice and contact information, club pictures, and links. - https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ro/www/Women%2527sUnderwaterHockeyClub/
Palm Beach Underwater Hockey (Florida, USA) - Club contact information, practice schedule, underwater photos, links, and information about the annual 4 on 4 tournament every March. - http://home.bellsouth.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=112874&ck=
How Octopush Was Created - Describes origin of the sport in the UK in the early 1950s. - http://octopush.port5.com/
North East Millennium Octopush Club - Local Underwater Hockey information for the area of North East of England [Newcastle]. - http://www.nem-oc.org.uk
Chesham Octopush Club - UK club home page with photos, links, and schedules. - http://www.reedconsulting.com/chesham/
Christchurch Underwater Hockey Club - Home page of the Christchurch, New Zealand team offers information about the sport in addition to the club's playing times and contact details. - http://www.christchurchuwh.org.nz/
See The Game! - Reveals the game by removing the air/water surface interface to show the sport as viewed by a participant. - http://www.seethegame.info
Wikipedia: Underwater Hockey Page - Encyclopedia entry on the sport with photos, discussion of play, and links. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_hockey
Underwater Hockey: Colorado State University - Provides photos, videos, equipment summary, contact information, and a brief summary of the sport. - http://lamar.colostate.edu/~uwh/
Guelph Underwater Hockey - University of Guelph club site provides locations and times for Ontario training sessions and tournaments, and contact information for club officers. - http://www.rmbsolutions.com/~uwh/
Ottawa Underwater Hockey Subaquatique - Describes local times and locations of play, provides photos and both tips and links on equipment and play. - http://uwh.ca/
British Octopush Association - Controlling authority in the United Kingdom. Includes calendar, league table, results, news, rules, squad list, and information about referees and how to start a new club. Also includes a history and definition of the sport. - http://www.gbuwh.co.uk
Sunstar Sub Aqua Club (Ipswich) - A BSAC club based in Ipswich, Suffolk UK; provides practice times, contact information, and general tips about the sport and equipment. - http://www.sunstar.org.uk/octop/index.shtml
Caversham Octopush Club UK - Provides sport and club information including pictures, description, and contact information. - http://www.octopush.net/index.htm
Octopush Central - Worldwide directory of links addressing the sport. - http://www.reedconsulting.com/octopush/