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Manhattan Island Foundation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Home of the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, Great Hudson River Swim, Little Red Lighthouse Swim and the Wrong Way Swim.
- http://www.nycswim.org/

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The 24 Mile Tampa Bay Marathon Swim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information, and entry forms.
- http://www.distancematters.com/marathon/

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Pacific Ocean Swims Open in a new windowLink Details
- Organises and promotes ocean swims in the Pacific region. Information on ocean swimming events worldwide.
- http://www.pacificswims.com/

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Against the Tide Open in a new windowLink Details
- A one-mile, open water, fundraising swim to benefit the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition.
- http://www.mbcc.org/swim/

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Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim Open in a new windowLink Details
- The open water swim was started in 1994 in honor of Masters swimmer Steve Omi's life. The money raised from the event goes for actual costs and to the scholarship fund. Course, records, results, photographs, and contacts.
- http://www.steveomi.org/

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Swimathon Open in a new windowLink Details
- UK fundraising swim marathon held each year to raise money for charities including the Macmillan Cancer Relief Fund. Includes on-line donation facility.
- http://www.swimathon.org

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Lake Saint-Jean International Swimming Marathon Open in a new windowLink Details
- Annual 32 kilometer swim from Piékouagami to Roberval in Quebec, Canada.
- http://www.traversee.qc.ca/

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Atlantic City Ocean Marathon Swimming Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes event guide, meet information, forms, and results for these New Jersey open water swims.
- http://www.acswim.org/

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Swimming Community Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers several on-line competitions where competitors compete from their home pools and track results via the web. Includes on-line training logs, artificial intelligence workout builder, and analysis.
- http://www.swimmingcommunity.com/

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Latin American and Caribbean Masters Swimming Championship Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a history of the race, travel details, a schedule of events, and news items.
- http://www.latycar.org

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Great Chesapeake Bay Swim Open in a new windowLink Details
- 4.4 Mile swim near Annapolis is considered one of the most sought after open water swims in the U.S. Proceeds benefit the March of Dimes.
- http://www.bayswim.com

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J A Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online race registration.
- http://www.japroductions.com

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