Ryerson Polytechnic University - Current and past season schedules, roster, and team and action photographs; located in Toronto. - http://firefly.ryerson.ca/sportsandrec/sports/varsity/index.cfm?team=90
University of Guelph - News, schedule, roster, statistics and contacts for this Ontario college. - http://www.athletics.uoguelph.ca/Varsity_Sport/_Teams/Volleyball_-_Men
University of Toronto - Team roster, schedule, and coach profiles. - http://varsityblues.ca/sports/mvolleyball/
Queen's University - Golden Gaels. Team information, roster, schedule, and photo for this Kingston college. - http://www.goldengaels.com/interuniversity/volleyballm.html
McMaster University - Team roster, try-out and season schedule, and contacts; located in Hamilton. - http://www-athrec.mcmaster.ca/athletics/teams/volleyball/mvball.htm
University of Waterloo - Schedule, player profiles, results, information on the Warrior Classic and news. - http://www.warriormensvolleyball.uwaterloo.ca/
Wilfrid Laurier University - Roster, schedule, scores and recruiting contacts; located in Waterloo. - http://www.athletics.wlu.ca/varsityathletics/createteam.asp?sport=MVOLL