Dunlap, Carla - Contains a picture gallery, biography and favorite links. - http://www.carladunlap.com/
Dugdale, Mark - 2004 Mr. Universe and IFBB Pro. Contains photos, biography, training schedule, and online store. - http://www.markdugdale.com/
Dilauro, Eric - Mr. Canada trying to obtain Professional IFBB status. Includes photo gallery, biography, contest history, training and nutrition tips. - http://www.ericdilauro.com/
Draper, Dave - Includes a vast array of bodybuilding training and nutrition articles from this former Mr. Universe as well as a photo gallery and a weekly newsletter. - http://www.davedraper.com/
Davey, Bill - Mr. America, natural bodybuilder and model. Site includes biography, contest history and some photographs. - http://www.billdavey.com/
Downing, Garrett - Official site of the IFBB Pro. Includes photos, biography, diet and nutrition information. - http://www.garrettdowning.com/