York County Junior Girls Softball League - Competitive and recreational fast pitch softball league in York, PA for girls ages 7 through 18. - http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=ycjgsl
Toms River Girls Softball League - Girls softball program in New Jersey with a recreational division and a travel team division (Lightning). - http://eteamz.active.com/trgirlssoftballleague/index.cfm?
Folsom Girls Softball Association - FGSA is a recreational competition in Folsom, California. Includes general information, tournaments, teams, and a guest book. - http://eteamz.active.com/folsomgirlssoftball/index.cfm?
The Brandywine Girls' Softball League - This League is one of two feeder programs for the Brandywine Heights School District Girls' Softball Program. General information, fields, rules, schedule, and contacts. - http://eteamz.active.com/brandywinegirlssoftball/
Fullerton Hills Softball - Located in North Orange County, Fullerton, California. ASA league for girls 4.5-18. Provides news, calendar, divisions, schedules, standings, and contacts. - http://www.fullertonhillssoftball.org/
Brockton Youth Softball League - ASA Junior Olympic softball for Brockton, Massachusetts. - http://eteamz.active.com/bysl/
Herndon Optimist Youth Softball - A softball league serving girls ages 7 to 18 in the Herndon Virginia area. - http://eteamz.active.com/herndonsoftball/index.cfm?
Portage Junior Miss Softball - Instructional fastpitch league located in northwest Indiana for girls and women ages 5 - 25. Sponsors an annual in-house tournament and a regional all-star tournament. - http://eteamz.active.com/portagejuniormiss/index.cfm?
Berkeley Girls Softball League - Girls softball league located in Ocean County, New Jersey, with players from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. - http://eteamz.active.com/BGSL/
Andover Girls Softball League - In-Town League and Travel League teams available for 1st graders thru 18 year old girls in Andover, Massachusetts. - http://www.andovergirlssoftball.org/
N.A.S.C. Softball Committee - Minor fastball boys and girls house league from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. - http://www.nascsoftball.org/
Christina Girls Softball - Provides competitions for ages 5 to 16 in Lakeland, Florida. Includes calendar, tournaments, schedules, photographs, and contacts. - http://www.cgsoftball.org/
Rancho Trabuco Girls Softball Association - An ASA Fast pitch league for girls ages 6 through 14 located in South Orange County, California. News, contacts, schedule, calendar, fields, photographs, and schedules. - http://www.rtgsa.org/
Latham Lassies Softball League - Recreational softball program for girls between the ages of 5 and 16, located in Latham, New York. - http://www.lathamlassies.org/
Hudson Girls Softball League - League provides a rewarding fastpitch softball experience to both recreational and tournament girls in Hudson, New Hampshire. - http://users.rcn.com/easr/
Miss Shen Softball - Miss Shen Softball is an ASA fastpitch softball league located in Clifton Park, NY. - http://missshen.org
Fairfax County Girls Softball League - Fastpitch organization sponsoring spring, summer and fall softball in Fairfax, Virginia. - http://www.fcgsl.org/
Corona Girls Softball Association - Provides a recreational fastpitch league for girls 5-18 in Corona, California. - http://www.cgsa.org