UEFA.com: Portugal - News, fixtures, results, and standings for European competitions and league clubs. - http://www.uefa.com/footballeurope/countries/association=110/
PortugueseFutebol.com - Daily news on Portuguese football including pictures, forum, statistics, live scores, and radio. - http://pfutebol.com/
Portugoal.net - News, Superliga, the national team, Champions League, Uefa Cup, Portuguese abroad, and links. - http://www.portugoal.net/
FootyMania.com: Portuguese League - Categorized for each club, stadium information, and squad profiles. - http://www.footymania.com/league.phtml?leagueID=30
Portuguese Soccer Forum - A message board to discuss news, matches, tactics, transfers, and players. - http://forums.soccerfansnetwork.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=92
Footballportugal - A review of the Portuguese football scene, updated daily. - http://www.footballportugal.com.pt/