UEFA.com: Netherlands - News, fixtures, results, and standings for European competitions and league clubs. - http://www.uefa.com/footballeurope/countries/association=95/
Soccer24-7 - A forum about Dutch football. Contains the latest news, league standings and results. - http://www.soccer24-7.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=57
Wsoccer.com: Dutch Soccer - Offers club information, stadiums, results, fixtures, and standings. - http://www.wsoccer.com/mas/soccer1/dutch_league.htm
DutchFootball.net - News, chat, and player database covering the Dutch leagues. - http://www.dutchfootball.net/
Dutch Soccer Pages - Database of the Dutch soccer-competition, and an archive of previous seasons. - http://voetbal.boa.nl/
SoccerCrew - Results and standings for Dutch soccer. - http://www.soccercrew.com/english/dutch/default.asp
The Knickerbockers International Students' Soccer Tournament - Information, teams, photographs, the board, links, contacts, and a message board. The biggest international students' soccer tournament in the world will be held in June at the University of Groningen, and the Applenockers Flophouse. - http://www.international-tournament.com/
City of Light Trophy - Organisation, results, photographs, and participating clubs. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. - http://home.12move.nl/cityoflight/engels.htm
voetbalvereniging IZV - Organisation of the Open European 5 A side outdoor Championship. - http://www.vvizv.nl/voorpagina.php3?lang=en&url=teksten.php
Dutch Soccer Forum - A message board to discuss news, matches, tactics, transfers, and players. - http://forums.soccerfansnetwork.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=78