Westbrook New Crown FC - Fixtures, player records, reports, tables, scorers, contacts, and links. - http://www.wncfc.plus.com/
Backer Electric - History, honours, photographs, statistics, links, and player profiles. - http://www.teamstats.net/team_index.asp?username=backerelectric
B.S. Tabard FC - History, honours, photographs, statistics, links, and player profiles. - http://www.teamstats.net/team_index.asp?username=jason7white
Richmond Tavern FC - News, history, honours, photographs, and links. - http://www.teamstats.net/team_index.asp?username=moulders1
AFC Braithwell Red Lion FC - News, history, honours, photographs, and links. - http://www.teamstats.net/team_index.asp?username=redlion