Evercreech Rovers - Results, fixtures, tables and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=evercreechroversfc
Belrose FC Forum - A message board to discuss news, players, transfers and games. - http://pub47.bravenet.com/forum/4036099955
Belrose FC - Results, fixtures, tables and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=belrosefc
Westfield FC - Results, fixtures, tables and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=westfield
Mid-Somerset Football League - Fixtures, results, tables, clubs, and league information. Details start from the 1984-1985 season. - http://www.football.mitoo.co.uk/News.cfm?LeagueCode=MSL2006
Mid-Somerset League - Results, fixtures, tables, and statistics. TheFA.com Full-Time. - http://full-time.thefa.com/gen/Index.do?league=1767733