FLNM - Durham Alliance League - Fixtures, results, statistics, news and videos. - http://www.flnm.co.uk/home/league.aspx?id=8
Thornley FC - Results, fixtures, tables and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=thornleyfc
Blackhall Hardwick Football Club - News, results, fixtures, tables, match reports, squad details, photographs and club information. - http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/blackhallfc/
Whitehill Football Club - News, results, tables, photographs, fixtures, match reports, and links. - http://www.whitehillfc.co.uk/
Durham Alliance Football League - The official web site with news, league information, results, fixtures, and tables. - http://www.durhamalliance.co.uk/