Federation 4: Central Soccer - Providing information on all soccer needs for the central north island New Zealand. - http://www.soccereast.org.nz/east/
ASFA Auckland Sunday Football Association - Results, tables and match reports. Players can find teams and vice versa. Register teams or players online. - http://www.asfa.co.nz/
Federation 1: United Soccer 1 - News, events, club information, fixtures, results, and standing. - http://www.unitedsoccer1.org.nz/
Federation 7: Soccer South - Serving the southernmost district. Includes news, league results, rules, and coaching resources. - http://www.southernfed.co.nz/
Federation 6: Mainland Soccer - Serving the northern half of the South Island. Includes news, club directory, event calendar and results. - http://www.mainlandsoccer.co.nz/
Federation 3: Force Three - Soccer Federation for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty districts. Covering all levels of play. - http://www.forcethree.com/
Federation 5: Capital Soccer Federation - Results and tables for Wellington Soccer Leagues, Central League, and North Island League. - http://www.soccer.org.nz/