Encyclopaedia of Association Football (Soccer) - A detailed encyclopaedia on the history of Association Football. An organic project it currently has 122 entries. It has been produced primarily for students in schools and colleges. - http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ENCfootball.htm
Football Club History Database (FCHD) - Chronologies, league positions and cup results for nearly 5,000 clubs in England and Wales, from the beginnings of competition to the present day. - http://www.fchd.info/
English Football - A history of the league and its clubs. - http://www.btinternet.com/~brentours/SP31.htm
El Bombín: Early British Football Coaches Around The World - A collection of articles and information highlighting the achievements of British football coaches working outside Great Britain, from the early days of football until the 1960s. - http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/
History of Soccer Shoes - Not just about the development of soccer boots, also includes information on the evolution of the game as a whole. - http://podiatry.curtin.edu.au/worldcup/soccer.html
American Soccer History Archives (ASHA) - Comprehensive statistics, essays and articles on the history of soccer in the USA. - http://www.sover.net/~spectrum/
Futbol Historia - Provides general historical information about the sport as well as its development in Argentina. - http://www.futbolhistoria.com.ar/