Koguryo Martial Arts - Traditional Korean Martial Arts schools. - http://www.koguryoma.com
Golden Pyramid Martial Arts Center - Instruction to all ages in Karate (Kwanmukan and Kajukenpo), Tai Chi, Jiu-Jitsu, Iaido, Kobudo, Chanbara, and Kickboxing Aerobics. - http://www.gpmac.com/
American Hap Ki Do Association - Teaches traditional Korean martial arts. Find information on the head master, programs taught, media coverage, schedule, news, and links. Located in Westerville. - http://www.uskmk.com
Hilliard Martial Arts Center - Instruction in ASU Aikido, IMAF Modern Arnis. - http://www.hilliardmartialarts.com
Your Best Defense - A multi style school with several location in Ohio. Contains instructor profile, photo gallery, and school information. - http://www.ybd-online.com
Tetsushinkan Dojo - Dojo in Toledo, Ohio teaching traditional Aikido, Jujutsu, Tae-Kwon-Do, Karate-Do, and Kickboxing. Affaliated with the Aikido Association of America and USMA. - http://www.aikitol.com
Trudo Tae Kwon Do - Teaching Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Hapkido, Gumdo and cardio kickboxing. Contains news, features, student information, background and instructor profiles. Based in Columbus, Ohio. - http://www.trudotkd.com/
Shinsuikan Dojo - Instruction in Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, and Iaido. Located in Genoa, Ohio. Affiliated with USA Martial Arts Training Centers and Chudokai International Aikido Federation. - http://shinsuikandojo.com
AEGIS Progressive Martial Arts Center - Includes events, calendar, schedule, and contact information. Located in Dayton, Ohio. - http://www.aegispro.com