Takemusu Iwama Aikido Europe - Official organization website. Contains dojo listings, member information, multimedia, and organization history. - http://www.takemusu-iwama-aikido.org
Iwama Ryu Aikido in Scandinavia - Includes dojo directory, news articles and interviews, upcoming seminars, and mailing list. - http://www.iwama-ryu.se/
Aikido Iwama Brazil - Association of Iwama style Aikido dojos in Brazil. Site includes information on the style and its founder, dojo listing, calendar of upcoming events, and photo gallery. - http://www.aikidoiwamabrasil.com.br
West Midlands Aikido Association - Formaly known as the Washi Aikido Federation. UKCK Martial Art Association affiliate organization of Iwama style dojos. Includes class schedule, photo gallery, and general Aikido information. - http://freespace.virgin.net/washi.aikido/
Takemusu Aikido Association Australia - Iwama style organization based in Sydney. Provides dojo directory, instructor biographies, training curriculum, and news and upcoming events. - http://www.aikidoaus.com.au/
Iwama Ryu France Aikido - Iwama style organization based in Rennes, France. Includes dojo directory, style description, uchi deshi opportunities, and multimedia. [English/French] - http://aikido-france.net