New Jersey Roller Hockey - Comprehensive list of roller hockey tournaments in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Deleware, Virginia, and Connecticut. Provides tournament information in calendar format and listing format. -
Puck Whacker - Tournament site for 3 on 3. Has information on upcoming tournaments, setting up your own tournament, rules, FAQs, and logowear. -
Cougars Roller Hockey - Cougarmania tournament in Sewell, New Jersy. Information on schedules, entry forms and rules. -
Tournament of Roller Hockey Series - TORHS North American series with qualifiers, regionals, and a national chamionship. Has schedules, entry forms, photos, rules and results. -
Six Pac USA - Tournament series in the west and southwestern areas of the U.S. Information on scheduling, rules, registration, past results and a photo gallery is available. -
Coastal Cup - Youth tournament series in the southeastern U.S. Has information on schedules, registrations, rules, and past results. -
Topcat Hockey Tournaments - Listings of Topcat tournaments in U.S. and Canada. Has registration forms, rules & requirements, photo gallery, and links to rinks and clubs. [Uses Flash] -
East Coast Hockey Organization - Provides information on the 2004 ECHO Regional and National tournament series. Has registration information, schedules, rules and downloadable entry forms. -
Pacific Region Roller Hockey Championships - A sponsored site with tournament information in the Southern California area. Lists tournament dates and locations, has registration information, results, photos, and rules. -
North American Roller Hockey Championships - The competitive roller hockey season peaks at the NARCh Finals. Teams that qualify for the NARCh Finals have the opportunity to play the world's most prestigious roller hockey tournament. -