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  Women (101)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site The Women's Hockey Web Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- Playing and skating tips, pictures, tournament results, U.S. and Canada hockey camp information, and full U.S., Canadian, and international, team listings. Put together by a member of Canada's gold medal winning world championship team.
- http://www.whockey.com/

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Regular Websites in this category

Bridgewater Wings Womens Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Competitive and recreational hockey team that plays out of Bridgewater Sports Arena in Bridgewater, New Jersey.
- http://www.bridgewaterwings.com

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Women On Edge Open in a new windowLink Details
- A new C3 team based in the Twin Cities southern suburbs playing with the Women's Hockey Association of Minnesota.
- http://womenonedge.org/

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UNH Wildcats Women's Hockey by Josh Gibney Open in a new windowLink Details
- Fan site dedicated to the University of New Hampshire Women's Ice Hockey Team. Site includes pictures, a message board, team roster and schedule and game results.
- http://www.joshgibney.com/whockey/

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Team Connecticut Senior Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site includes player information, schedule, statistics, notice board, guest book , photo album and contact information.
- http://esportsdesk.com/leagues/notice_board.cfm?leagueID=1&clientID=865&link=esd

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Port Hope Cavity Crunchers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Team for player ages 10-11 based in Port Hope, Ontario and plays in the Central East Girls Hockey League. Site includes a team roster and photos.
- http://www.eagle.ca/~worky/girls.html

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Minnesota Whitecaps Open in a new windowLink Details
- Semi-Pro women's hockey team playing out of Ridder Arena on the University of Minnesota and part of the Western Women's Hockey League. Includes schedule, roster, news, and game results.
- http://www.hometeamsonline.com/visit/?u=MINNESOTAWHITECAPS&sport=hockey&t=c

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Jacksonville Breakers Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Women's travel team based in Jacksonville, Florida. Site includes information on joining the team and for the annual Memorial Day Tournament.
- http://groups.firstcoastcommunity.com/main.wsi?group_id=489

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Game Of Her Life Women's Hockey Mailing List Open in a new windowLink Details
- A forum for the discussion of women's hockey issues, especially those relating to the Olympics, World and National Championships. Opinions are those of the author, not the moderator. (Must have a Yahoo! ID to participate.)
- http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/gameofherlife/

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Everett Washington Womens Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- A beginner ice hockey program for women 18 years of age and older. Practices are at the Comcast Public Ice Rink at the Everett Events Center in Everett, Washington.
- http://mysite.verizon.net/res78fo2/

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Bethlehem South Side Thrashers Women's Ice Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Information about players, schedules, and statistics.
- http://schwinbp.brinkster.net/thrashers/home.aspx

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Belle Tire Girl's and Women's Hockey of Michigan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Devoted to the women players of Southeast Michigan. Features information, links, team schedules, and past team memories, for the U17, U19, college, and national, teams.
- http://www.belletiregirlsaaahockey.org/

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Barrie Women's Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Registration information, clinic dates, tournament details and fall tryout information for all teams.
- http://www.itsportsnet.com/league.php?scriptName=HOME&leagueID=10233

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Baltimore Blizzard Womens Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Baltimore, Maryland. Includes team information, photos, schedules, and statistics.
- http://www.baltimoreblizzard.com/

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Calgary Oval X-treme Open in a new windowLink Details
- Semi-Pro women's hockey team playing out of the Olympic Oval at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The team is a part of the newly formed Western Women's Hockey League. Site includes schedule information, statistics, game results and photos.
- http://www.calgaryovalxtreme.com/

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Where's Cammi? Open in a new windowLink Details
- A site dedicated to the reinstatement of Cammi Granato to the 05/06 US Olympic team.
- http://home.comcast.net/~livefierce/

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LA Chill Womens Hockey Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Los Angeles based women's hockey club dedicated to promoting women's hockey in the Southern California area. Website includes contact information, schedules, rules, and pictures.
- http://www.lachill.org

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Toronto Aeros : National Women's Hockey League Open in a new windowLink Details
- An elite women's hockey organization in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Website showcases three teams: the Toronto Aeros, Senior AAA; the Toronto Junior Aeros, Intermediate AA; and the Toronto Midget Aeros, Midget AA.
- http://www.aeroshockey.org/index.html

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Beiseker Bullets Women's Recreational Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Women's recreation hockey team located in Beiseker, Alberta, Canada. Roster, schedule, and contact information is all found on the website.
- http://beisekerbullets.com

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DurangoBetties.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Durango, Colorado women's travel team. Site includes a message board, news, and photos.
- http://www.durangobetties.com/

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Florida Beaches Women's Hockey Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Women's travel and house ice hockey for all skill levels. Currently B, C1, C2/Rec. Camps, tournaments and clinics. Teams play at the official practice facility of the Florida Panthers.
- http://www.flabeaches.net

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She Skates Hard Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, reviews, player profiles and resources for Canadian and U.S. female teams.
- http://www.sheskateshard.com

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Northern Lights Women's hockey team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Women's hockey team from Denver, Colorado. Playing locally and in tournaments throughout the United States and Canada.
- http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=390

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Nashville Girls Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes schedules, team information, practice locations, a guestbook, and picture albums.
- http://eteamz.active.com/nashvillegirlshockey/

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Angela Ruggiero : USA Women's Ice Hockey : Official Website Open in a new windowLink Details
- I am Angela Ruggiero and I want to bring Olympic women’s hockey to everyone, so you can see and live the dream with me.
- http://angelaruggiero.com

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Girls Night Out Hockey League Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Girls Night Out Hockey League in Pompano Beach, Florida welcomes Women and Girls of all ages and skill levels to join their women's ice hockey house league. Registration information, schedules, and contacts can all be found on the webpage. Beginners,
- http://league.hockeygroup.org

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Pittsburgh Puffins Women's Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- A recreational team made up of women from ages 18-50 plus with various ability levels. We play at the Iceoplex at Southpointe Team pictures, contact information, statistics, practice and game schedules, and a guestbook are found here.
- http://eteamz.active.com/pittsburghpuffins/index.cfm?

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South Jersey Demons Open in a new windowLink Details
- An independent South Jersey, Division C team playing out of the Hollydell Ice Arena in Sewell, New Jersey. Features schedule, standings, news, features and contact information.
- http://eteamz.active.com/SJDemons/index.cfm?

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The Bracknell Queen Bees Open in a new windowLink Details
- Establish in 1987 in Bracknell, Berkshire, England. The Queen Bees compete in the English Ice hockey Association's Women's Premier league. Team news, schedules, and contact information are located on the site.
- http://www.bracknellqueenbees.co.uk

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Connecticut Northern Lights Girls Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hockey Club for girls ages U10 U12 U14 U16 U19. Site has team information, tryout information, schedules, staff, and contact links.
- http://www.nlgh.com

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USA Hockey Magazine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online version of USA Hockey's membership magazine.
- http://www.usahockeymagazine.com/

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Utah Ice Vixens Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ice hockey team in the Ogden, Utah area. Ages range from 15+. Information and schedules located here.
- http://icehockeyvixen.blogspot.com/

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Springfield Junior Pics Homepage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of the Greater Boston area. Registration, tournament statistics and a merchandise store are found on this website.
- http://springfieldjrpics.com/

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Rhode Island Panthers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Cranston, Rhode Island. U12, U14, U16 and women's Senior B Teams. Team links, schedules and tournament information located on the site.
- http://ripanthers.com/

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Connecticut Polar Bears Home Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Connecticut Polar Bears are proud to be the first all girl ice hockey program in Connecticut. To this day, the Polar Bears remain the only girls hockey program in Connecticut to have been started for girls only. Schedules, team pages, tournament infor
- http://ctpolarbears.com/

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Cape Cod Waves Girls Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Playing out of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Team schedules, registration information, news and tournament results can be found here.
- http://capecodwaves.org/

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Sooke Thunderbirds Midget Female Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Midget team based in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada. Latest news, arena information, message boards, photos and video highlights contained on the site.
- http://www.sookeharbour.com/smha/pages/newsindex.html

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Rochester, NY "EDGE" Girls Hockey Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Rochester, New York. Site provides program information, team links, rosters, schedules, annual girls tournament information.
- http://ryhockey.com/

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Texas Player Development Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Based out of the Sugarland Hockey Complex in Sugarland, Texas. Website includes information on teams and leagues, photos, a column by a US national team player and clinic information.
- http://www.usahockey.com/taha/main_site/main/home_texas_amateur_h//

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SLAM! Women's Hockey Home Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- News about women's ice hockey, including Canadian and US national teams.
- http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Hockey/Women/home.html

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Kennedy School of Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hockey camp run by Team USA defender Courtney Kennedy and her family. Camp is located in various arenas throughout Massachusetts. Web site has staff information, contacts, locations of the clinics and training center information.
- http://www.kennedyschoolofhockey.com/

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Pittsburgh Girls Hockey Network Open in a new windowLink Details
- PGHN is organized to, foster, promote and teach amateur female hockey in the area surrounding Pittsburgh. Stretching from Erie, PA to Morgantown, WV. Wheeling, WV to Indiana, PA and even parts of Ohio.
- http://eteamz.active.com/pghn/

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Madison Thunder Open in a new windowLink Details
- Adult women's hockey team in Madison, WI, that plays in the Women's Central Hockey League. Web site includes a schedule, team roster, photos and statistics.
- http://www.madisonthunder.com

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Andrew's Womens Inline/Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Website that features information on both ice hockey and inline hockey. The site features information on local UK teams as well as international teams. Site includes photos, links a guestbook, a forum and profiles of UK players.
- http://www.womens-ih.com/

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Edmonton Chimos Open in a new windowLink Details
- Semi-Pro women's hockey team playing out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The team is a part of the newly formed Western Women's Hockey League. Site includes schedule information, statistics, game results and photos
- http://www.edmontonchimos.com/

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British Columbia Breakers Hockey Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Semi-Pro women's hockey team playing out of British Columbia, Canada. The team is a part of the newly formed Western Women's Hockey League. Site includes schedule information, statistics, game results and photos.
- http://www.esportsdesk.com/leagues/front_pageesd.cfm?clientID=1767&leagueID=3629

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StykWorks Female Hockey Camp Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Winkler, Manitoba, Canada. StykWorks Female Hockey Camp is open to all female hockey players who aspire to improve their hockey skills and have fun. Site includes schedules and information as well as a registration form.
- http://www.stykworks.com

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Warner Hockey School Open in a new windowLink Details
- Year round hockey school based in Alberta, Canada. Program is aimed at bantam and midget girls in grades 9-12 that want to play hockey. Participants will receive an Alberta High School diploma. Information on the school and facilities plus contact informa
- http://www.horizon.ab.ca/warner/

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Hayley Wickenheiser Open in a new windowLink Details
- Official web site has news on Hayley happenings, multimedia offerings, a mailing list and many images.
- http://www.wickenheiser22.com/

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Stamford Spinnakers Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Spinnakers, based in Stamford, CT., compete throughout the Northeast during the winter, conduct a large developmental league in the spring, and run tune-up clinics through the summer. Site includes schedules, player profiles and pictures.
- http://spinnakers.org

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She-Wolves Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Teams for beginner and advanced players. Site includes team news, game results, standings, a photo gallery and contact information.
- http://www.worldpath.net/~moose/

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Northstars Girls Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Glens Falls, New York and play in the Adirondack Youth Hockey Association. Teams for ages 15 and under and 19 and under. Site has registration information, contacts, team schedules and links.
- http://www.adkhockey.com/

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Buffalo Bisons Girls Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on the Buffalo, New York Bisons girls teams, schedules, standings, and latest news.
- http://www.bisonhockey.net/

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Flintshire Furies Ice Hockey Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Competes in the EIHA British Womens Premier League. Site includes team news and contacts, schedules, game reports, player profiles and a photo gallery.
- http://www.flintshire-furies.co.uk

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St. Louis Surge Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of St. Louis, Missouri. Site includes the team schedules, rosters, information and a picture gallery.
- http://www.stlsurge.com

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Delaware Phoenix Women's Hockey Teams Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of Newark, Delaware. A two team organization with one team playing in the United Women's Hockey League and another in the Mid-Atlantic Women's Hockey League. Includes photographs, schedule, rosters and contact information.
- http://www.phoenixhockey.org

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Oxford University Womens Ice Hockey Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Competes in South Division 1 and also tours in Europe. Information includes varsity player statistics, pictures, match reports, and links. Always seeking students from Oxford University to join the team.
- http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ouwihc

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Chicago Inferno Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Chicago, Illinois, the Inferno is a senior B level women's hockey team. Site includes a team roster, schedule, pictures and links.
- http://www.chicagoinferno.com

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Atlanta Thrashers Women's Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Atlanta, Georgia. Site provides information such as team pictures, player statistics, links, game results, and how to join the team.
- http://www.ladythrashers.com

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Vail Breakaways Women's Ice Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Adult women's A ice hockey team from Vail, Colorado. Site includes team history, schedule, roster, and community involvement.
- http://www.vailbreakaways.com

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Delco Phantoms Girls Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Team plays out of Aston, Pennsylvania. News, announcements, schedules, rosters, archives and tournament information.
- http://www.axs2000.net/phantomsgirls/

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Streatham Storm Womens Ice Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Team based in South London, UK. Site includes information about the team, news, fixtures, results, photos and links.
- http://www.streathamstorm.co.uk

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Denver Womens Hockey League Open in a new windowLink Details
- Women's novice and intermediate hockey league focused on providing learning opportunities for women in the Denver (Colorado) area that are new to hockey through practices and league play. Registration and league information, playing tips and contact infor
- http://www.dwhl.org

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Delaware Bobcats Ice Hockey Teams Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hosts "A" and "B" level teams. Provides information on the current teams, alumni, league information, and links. Accepts player applications.
- http://www.delawarebobcatshockey.org/

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Team Glacier Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play out of the Chicago, Illinois area. Website includes team news, schedules, team philosophy, links and game photos.
- http://www.teamglacier.com

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Whitby Girl's Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. A place for all girls, regardless of age or ability, to enjoy the fun, camaraderie, and skill development of hockey. Site includes team pages, photos, a newsletter and contact information.
- http://www.wgha.org/

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Washington Pride Elite Girls Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Site includes team information, player photos, a schedule and results.
- http://www.pridehockey.com/

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Oakville Hornets Girls Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Oakville, Ontario. Site has team registration forms, tournament applications, arena maps, photo gallery and hockey links.
- http://www.oakvillehornets.on.ca

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Illinois Storm Women's Ice Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Member of the Women's Central Hockey League, Red Division - South. Contains a listing of titles won, team and rink locators, coaches, a schedule, pictures, player biographies, and tryout details.
- http://www.illinoisstorm.com/

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Guelph Girls Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Contains news, contacts, and registration information.
- http://www.ggha.com

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Chelmsford Cobras Ladies Ice Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Play in Division One South of the UK British Women's league. This site contains profiles, historical results and fixtures.
- http://hockeystats.members.beeb.net/cobras.html

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The Brooklyn Blades Open in a new windowLink Details
- Non-profit organization running ice hockey programs for women and girls based in Brooklyn, New York. Includes team photos, statistics and roster.
- http://www.brooklynblades.org/

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Cheetahs Womens Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Team based out of Boxborough, Massachusetts that participates in the South Shore Women's Hockey League Senior A Division. Site includes schedules, standings, and links.
- http://www.cheetahshockey.com/

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Blackburn Thunder Women's Hockey Team Open in a new windowLink Details
- Team based in Blackburn, UK. The site features news, results, and fixtures.
- http://www.blackburnthunder.co.uk

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One Goal At A Time - US Women's Ice Hockey and the Olympic Spirit Open in a new windowLink Details
- The first ever documentary about women's ice hockey in the United States. Highlights include training footage and game footage from 1998 and 2002 Olympic Winter Games. Interviews with Cammi Granato, Karyn Bye, Katie King, Shelley Looney, Sarah Tueting a
- http://www.onegoalatatime.com

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Pittsburgh Piranhas Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- An adult (18+) amateur women's C level traveling hockey team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rosters, team news and a photo gallery are included on the site.
- http://www.pittsburghpiranhas.com

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Varsity Scouting Program Open in a new windowLink Details
- Non-profit scouting service for Bantam and Midget age female hockey players. The program's purpose is to inform and promote female student-athletes planning on combining post-secondary education and hockey. Organization overview, services offered for play
- http://www.whockey.com/vsp/

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American Women's Hockey Coaches Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Open to all women's hockey coaches in the U.S. The purpose of the AWHCA is to promote, develop and facilitate the growth of girl's and women's ice hockey in the United States. Features membership information, bylaws, and a list of officers.
- http://www.brown.edu/Athletics/Womens_Hockey/AWHCA/

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Tompkins Girls' Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ithaca, New York program provides instruction in the game of hockey, develop individual skills, encourage concepts of team play and sportsmanship and have fun. Information on the teams, team schedules, and a newsletter. For girls ages 8-19 of all levels a
- http://www.ithacahockey.com/

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Team Illinois Girls Hockey Organization Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information and news on participating teams, team schedules, coaches, player try-outs, clinics, and the annual tournament.
- http://www.tigirlshockey.com/

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Colorado Select Girls Hockey Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on U12, U15, and U19 teams that includes news on tryouts and development, a tip of the month section, a coaches corner, photos, and complete schedules for all participating teams.
- http://coloradogirlshockey.com/

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Women-In-Hockey Mailing List Open in a new windowLink Details
- A daily e-mail mailing list for women who play hockey and people involved in women's hockey.
- http://www.plaidworks.com/mailman/listinfo/women-in-hockey

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Trailblazers Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Senior (adult) women's ice hockey team based out of Raleigh, North Carolina that competes in the South East Womens Amateur Hockey League (SEWAHL). Schedules, practice times, and information on joining the team.
- http://www.nctrailblazers.org/

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The North American Hockey Academy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located in Stowe, Vermont, The North American Hockey Academy offers a program for female hockey players in grades 9-12. Information on academics, athletics, team programs, and school admission.
- http://www.winter-hawks.org

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Glacier Vixens Women's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Senior women's team based in north Chicago suburbs. News, schedules, records, roster, photos, and other team info.
- http://www.glaciervixens.org

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Cammi Granato Gold Medal Hockey Clinic for Girls Open in a new windowLink Details
- Annual camp for girls located in Illinois. Includes schedule, location, rates, staff profiles, camp merchandise, pictures, trivia, online application, and related links.
- http://www.granatohockey.com/

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Willowdale Redwings Peewee "AA" Open in a new windowLink Details
- An archive that provides information about the team from Toronto, Canada. Features game schedule, coaching philosophy, statistics, and player photos for the 2000-2001 season only.
- http://webhome.idirect.com/~crareyw/Redwings/

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Syracuse Warriors Sr. Women's Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Schedule, roster, results, statistics, and links for a senior women's hockey team located in Syracuse, NY.
- http://www.syracusewarriors.com/

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Bellows Free Academy Girl's Ice Hockey Open in a new windowLink Details
- School in St. Albans, Vermont. Contains team roster, schedule, scores and philosophy.
- http://www.bfa.k12.vt.us/athletic/ghockey/

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