Quinnipiac University Men's Golf - Bobcats. Pictures, press releases, roster, schedule of games, results and statistics. - http://quinnipiacbobcats.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/quic-m-golf-body.html
Mount St. Mary's College Women's Golf - Mountaineers. Coaching staff, statistics, roster, game schedule, scores and contacts. - http://mountathletics.cstv.com/sports/w-golf/mstm-w-golf-body.html
Mount St. Mary's College Men's Golf - Mountaineers. Press releases, pictures, season preview, coaching profile and roster. - http://mountathletics.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/mstm-m-golf-body.html
Wagner College Women's Golf - Seahawks. Statistics, player roster, game results and competition schedule. - http://wagnerathletics.cstv.com/sports/w-golf/wagn-w-golf-body.html
Fairleigh Dickinson University Men's Golf - Knights. News items, scores, pictures, game summaries, statistics and schedule of games. - http://fduknights.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/flei-m-golf-body.html
Central Connecticut State University Women's Golf - Blue Devils - official site with team roster, game schedule and information for the men's and women's teams. - http://ccsubluedevils.cstv.com/sports/w-golf/ccon-w-golf-body.html
Long Island University - Brooklyn Golf - Blackbirds. News items, rosters, pictures, game schedule, results and coaching staff. - http://www.brooklyn.liunet.edu/bbut11/golf/golf.htm
Monmouth University Men's Golf - Hawks. Roster, game schedule with results, coaching staff and contacts. - http://www.monmouth.edu/athletics/teams/team.asp?teamID=94
Monmouth University Women's Golf - Hawks. News items, coaching staff, pictures, player roster with biographies and game results. - http://www.monmouth.edu/athletics/teams/team.asp?teamID=125
University at Albany Women's Golf - Great Danes. Game schedule, past results, pictures, player listing and coaching staff. - http://www.albany.edu/sports/womens/golf/index.html