Wright State University Men's Golf - Raiders. A listing of players, game schedule, statistics, coaching staff and pictures. - http://wsuraiders.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/wrst-m-golf-body.html
University of Wisconsin Green Bay Men's Golf - Phoenixes. A roster of players, scores, schedule of competitions and news items. - http://uwgbathletics.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/wigb-m-golf-body.html
Butler University Men's Golf - Bulldogs. Press releases, scores, game schedule, rosters and coaching staff. - http://butlersports.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/butl-m-golf-body.html
Cleveland State University Men's Golf - Vikings. Game schedule, results, roster, coaching staff and recruiting details. - http://csuvikings.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/clst-m-golf-body.html
Cleveland State University Women's Golf - Vikings. Roster, game calendar, past results, archived news items and coaches. - http://csuvikings.cstv.com/sports/w-golf/clst-w-golf-body.html
Loyola University Chicago Golf - Ramblers. News items, rosters, pictures, game schedule, results and coaching staff. - http://loyolaramblers.cstv.com/sports/m-golf/sched/loyc-m-golf-sched.html
University of Detroit Mercy Men's Golf - Titans. News items, scores, past season reviews, statistics and a roster. - http://www.detroittitans.com/mgolf.jsp