Okanagan Sun - Team in the BCFC, British Columbia Football Conference. - http://www.hometeamsonline.com/visit/?u=OKANAGANSUN
Regina Prairie Thunder - Team in the PFC, Prairie Football Conference. - http://www.reginathunder.ca/
Victoria Rebels - Team in the BCFC Coastal Division. - http://www.victoriarebels.com/
Edmonton Huskies - Team in the PFC, Prairie Football Conference. - http://www.edmontonhuskies.com/
St. Leonard Cougars - Team in the OFC, Ontario Football Conference. - http://www.stleonardcougars.com/
Saskatoon Hilltops - Team in the PFC, Prairie Football Conference. - http://www.hilltops.ca/
London Beefeaters - Team in the OFC, Ontario Football Conference. - http://www.londonbeefeaters.org/
Edmonton Wildcats - Team in the PFC, Prairie Football Conference. - http://www.edmontonwildcats.com/
Chilliwack Valley Huskers - Team in the BCFC, British Columbia Football Conference. - http://www.valleyhuskers.com/
CJFL - Canadian Junior Football League - A minor adult league for 17 to 22 year olds. Features include news, schedules, teams, administration, rule book, photo gallery and history. - http://www.cjfl.ca/
Calgary Colts - Member of the PFC, Prairie Football Conference. - http://www.calgarycolts.com/