Ultimate Youth Football Camps - Lists camp calendar, tuition, schedule and related information. - http://www.uyfc.com
Synergy Athletics Football Camp - Provides football camps, training, and advice to athletes between ages 8-18. Binghamton, New York. - http://www.synergy-athletics.com
Making of Champions Football Camps - NFL-style training camps for players in grade, middle, and high school with mentoring from college and professional players and coaches. Fort Worth, Texas. - http://www.makingofchampions.com
P.J. Fleck Football Camp - Instructional one-day camp grades 4-8 in Kaneland, Illinois. - http://www.pjfleckcamp.com
Air 7 Quarterback University - Quarterback and wide receiver development and training organization. Upcoming camps, general information, packages, photos, camp alumni playing professional and college football, and news. - http://www.air7qbu.com
National Passing Football Academy - A camp for quarterbacks, receivers, and tight ends. Schedule, locations, and registration information. - http://www.nationalpassingacademy.com
National Underclassmen Football Combine - Football combine and camp offers a showcase for current freshman and sophomore High School football players. Upcoming and recent events and photos. - http://www.nationalunderclassmen.com
Offense-Defense Football Camps - Nationwide camps with NFL players and coaches offer youth academy, high school, and college prep programs. Daycamp, overnight, and specialty clinics are available. - http://www.o-d.com/
Iowa Football Camps at Drake - Offers several camp dates for multiple age groups. Contains facilities, staff and FAQ. - http://www.robashfootball.com/
Kick It Camps - Kick It Camps provides kicking and punting instruction, kicking competitions, and summer camps for all ages. - http://www.kickitcamps.com
The Kicking Game - Offers winter, spring, and summer camps in California, as well as private instruction. - http://www.thekickinggame.com
Doug Blevins Kicking And Punting - Offers coach's biography, camp schedule, clients and contact information. - http://www.dougblevinskicking.com
Quarterback and Receiver Camp - Non-contact youth camps for sixth grade through high school. Held in Arkansas, Georgia, California, Michigan and New Jersey. Includes testimonials, photos, brochure, and application. - http://www.footballcamp125.com/
Summer Football Camps and Clinics - Offers a directory of summer football camps and clinics in North America. - http://footballcamps.at-cha.com/
Feely Kicking School - Tampa , Florida - Offers year-round training for kickers and punters; located in Tampa Bay, Florida. - http://www.feelykicking.com
Paul Perrone Kicking - Private instruction day camp in New York for football kicking and punting. Includes online registration. - http://www.paulperronekicking.com
ASC Contact Football Camp - Instructional camp for beginners to veterans stressing conditioning and football technique for every position both individually and as a team. Includes locations, dates, online registration, fees, and photos. - http://www.ascfootballcamp.com
Joe Namath's Summer Football Camp - Description, schedule, program information, and tuition for instructional football camp where boys 8-18 can join the football star for a week. Dudley, Massacuhusetts. - http://ww1.sportsline.com/u/fans/celebrity/namath/mall/camp.htm
Sports International Football Camps - Youth football camps for ages 8 - 18, each led by a current or former NFL player. Guest appearances by other players who actually teach while at the camp. - http://www.footballcamps.com
Dave Rimington Football Camp - Teach boys and girls the fundamentals of football, sportsmanship. - http://www.rimingtonfootballcamp.com
ProKicker.com - Instructional camp program for punters and kickers that includes college scholarship and professional development and training; also offers a selection of specialized products for kickers. - http://www.prokicker.com/
All-State Quarterback School - This camp provides the personalized and specialized training techniques for quarterbacks in the midwestern US and southeastern Canada. - http://www.quarterbackschool.com/