Stevenson Carriages Silent Auction - The Brian Stevenson Horse-drawn Carriages Silent Auction offers 8 lots of restored horse-drawn carriages for sale. Bids are invited. New Zealand. -
Woods Livestock Auction - Livestock auction held every other Saturday often including carriages and carts. Special events calendar and driving directions. South Carolina. -
National Carriage & Driving Horse Auction - Better known as The Big Perry Sale with equine items or services for sale at semi-annual auctions. Consignment info, history, and contacts. Perry, Georgia, USA. -
Ashland Equine Supply - Specialty tack and equipment including many hard to find items for carriage driving. Good selection of sleigh bells. Illinois, USA. -
CarriageMart - Listing carriage, tack and driving horse classifieds. Horse-drawn carriage services and trainers directory. Canada. -
Topeka Carriage Auction - Annual auction of carriages, sleighs, horse implements, harness, tack, carriage and driving horses and ponies. Topeka, Indiana, USA. -