Waterland Quarterhorses - Aiming to breed all-round and reining horses. Includes history, show ring, broodmares, and sales. Located near Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands. - http://www.waterlandquarterhorses.nl/
Taccia Ranch - Specialising in reining and cutting performance Quarter Horses. Includes history, facilities, sales, pedigrees, photos, and achievements. Located in Aiello del Friuli, Italy. [English and Italian] - http://www.tacciaranch.com/
Martin's Family Farm - Breeder of roping Quarter Horses. Standing Palomino, Paint and Cremello stallions at stud. Includes farm history, stock pedigrees, photos, and sales. Located in Eyragues, France. [best viewed with Internet Explorer] - http://www.martins-family-farm.com/accueil%20US.htm
Whitewood Quarter Horses - Standing dun stallion at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Located in West Wales. - http://www.thewesternshop.com/websites/whitewood/
Sovereign Quarter Horses - Breeding and training show horse for reining, western pleasure, and halter. History, and photographs. Cambridgeshire, England. [requires Flash] - http://www.sovereignquarterhorses.com/
Roslin Stud - Stands bay and red roan stallions at stud. Also stands paint stallion. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Located in Devon, United Kingdom. - http://www.thewesternshop.com/websites/roslin
Roberta's Stable - Standing chestnut and bay stallions at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Located in Italy. - http://www.robertasstable.com
Celtic Quarter Horses - Standing bay stallion at stud. Includes sales list (horses and equipment), photos, and profiles of horses. Located in South Wales, United Kingdom. - http://www.celticqh.com
Widden Close Quarter Horses - Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Located in New Forest, England. - http://www.widdenclose.co.uk
AJ Quarter Horses - Offers broodmare photos and pedigrees, offspring photos, and a sales list. Located in Leithaprodersdorf, Austria. Available in English and German. - http://aj-quarterhorses.com/
Gläntans Ranch - Includes photos and pedigrees on stallions and mares. Located in Sweden. - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-69299/ranch/
Nash Quarter Horses - Breeder and importer of foundation stock. Stock profiles, pedigrees, photographs, and sales. West Sussex, England. - http://www.nqh.uk.com/
West County Quarter Horses - History, photographs, stallion, mare and foal profiles. Serving Exmoor and North Devon coast, England. - http://www.nickysquarterhorse.co.uk/