Mike Krzyzewski - A brief biography and photos from the Basketball Hall of Fame. - http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/bhof-mike-krzyzewski.html
ASAPSports FastScripts - Transcripts of interviews for Regional Finals and NCAA Final Four competitions. - http://www.asapsports.com/show_player.php?id=13672
Krzyzewski Has a Softer Side, Too - Salisbury Post's March 16, 2000 column by Steve Hanf on the emotional side of Coach K. - http://www.salisburypost.com/2000march/031600k.htm
Krzyzewski's crowning feat - St. Petersburg Times' April 3, 2001 article by Gary Shelton on Coach K's Blue Devils winning the national title. - http://www.sptimes.com/News/040301/Columns/Krzyzewski_s_crowning.shtml