D1-Madison Little League - Contains a description of the facilities, related links, pictures, scores, a profile of the league, and contact details. - http://www.madisonlittleleague.com/
D17-North Hunterdon Little League - Provides registration details, an introduction to the coaches, contacts, auxillary rookies, and news items. - http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=nhll17
D5-Rutherford Little League - Provides a supervised baseball experience for children aged 5 through 12. The League was founded in 1951. - http://mysite.verizon.net/rutherford.ll/home.htm
District 12 Little League - Contains a listing of tournaments, past results, news items, a game schedule, related links, and online forms. - http://eteamz.active.com/nj12/index.cfm?
D9-Union Little League - Official Site, Schedules, scores and Coaches Information. - http://eteamz.active.com/unionlittleleague/
M.S.H. Little League - Contains news items, a listing of teams, pictures, calendar of games, results, and field directions. - http://eteamz.active.com/mshll/index.cfm?
Dunellen LIttle League - Covers team news, photos, schedules and contacts. - http://www.dunellenlittleleague.org
Piscataway Little League - Team history, standings, newsletter and contacts. - http://www.piscatawayll.org
D7-Bayonne Little League - Contains a bulletin board, calendar of events, directions, related links, tournament details, and game schedules. - http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=bayonnelittleleague
Holbrook Little League-Jackson, NJ - Contains game schedules, current standings, pictures, news items, contacts, and related links. - http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=holbrook
D19-Freehold Township Little League - Contains a tournament schedule, results, news items, teams listing, and sponsors. - http://www.ftll.org/
D20-Sparta Little League - Provides a listing teams, the board of directors, directions to the fields, contacts, game schedules, and results. - http://www.spartabaseball.org/
District 1 New Jersey - Official site of New Jersey District 1 Little League baseball/softball. - http://www.llnjone.org/
D1-Randolph Little League - Site contains a message board, current standings, pictures, upcoming events, registration details, and sponsorship forms. - http://www.randolphbaseball.org/
D12-West Windsor Little League - Contains news items, the board of directors, related links, pictures, history, and rules. - http://www.wwll.org/
D12-Cranbury/Plainsboro Little League - Contains registration details, softball and baseball leagues, sponsors, the board of directors, and pictures. - http://www.cpll.org/