Archer's Gallery - Story by an Italian archer who began shooting in 1973. -
Archery, Bowmanship and Courtesy - Provides a list of archery terminology and diagrams for novice and experienced archers. -
Archery Archives - Information on identifying old bows. Includes pictures of bows, arrow boxes, broadheads and logos that will help date items. -
Frank Addington Jr. - Offers to perform instinctive archery exhibitions at a variety of venues. -
Loiselle, Emery - A writer and technical expert on archery. Also the proprietor of Eryleen Archery in Massachusetts, USA. -
Online Archery in New York City - Promotional information on archery in NYC area. Includes many links to non profit and business sites. -
Tapley, Joe - Topics on Bow Mechanics - Introduction to the basic mechanics of bows and arrow flight, as well as assorted archery-related downloads. -
Tenzone - Includes information on techniques and equipment, including bow tuning, fitness and exercises for archers, as well as the psychological side of the sport. -
Ralphs, Steve - The Bow and Arrow Man - UK-based Grand Master of the Traditional Bowyers Guild. Makes all types of traditional bows and arrows, and offers pictures of his handiwork on the site, as well as ordering information, and some information on films in which his work has been used. -