Feminization Surgery - Dr. Beck and Dr Brink's are specialized in feminization surgery, facial implants, breast enlargement & body sculpting. - http://www.feminizationsurgery.com
Le Femme Finishing School - A gender friendly place where you can be who you really are, become who you want to be or pretend to be someone else. - http://lefemmefinishingschool.com
Marlene Taylor - Turning personality to personal success - This is the professional and personal site of Ms. Taylor, who has transitioned to a point that she works today in her chosen gender both in Berlin and Amsterdam. - http://www.marlene-taylor.com
Be A New Creation Spa - Private practice in Seattle that specializes in treating transgendered people. - http://beanewcreation.com
Gender Therapy - Online Gender Psychotherapy resource dedicated to the needs of individuals with gender concerns. Gender identity issues, gender dysphoria, crossdressing behavior and related issues. - http://www.sexreassignment.com
Miranda's Internet Home - A transgender website for counseling gender identity disorder. - http://users.adelphia.net/~miranda_vey/
Trans-Mission London - A monthly night club for the T* community and their friends. Located in London, England as well as special events around the UK. - http://www.trans-mission.org
Do It - A magazine for the Transgendered. - http://www.brigitt.ch