Lee McInnis Gaetjens - 20 something Gothic Latter Day Saint transsexual youth. - http://www.leemcg.com/
Miranda Reloaded 3.0 - Miranda of Pittsburgh. An active member of the GLBT scene. Bio, photos, poetry and personal preferences around Miranda's life. - http://home.comcast.net/%7emiranda_vey/
Miranda's Transgender Website - Information about Pittsburgh's GLBT community. Other information includes: Dave Matthews, Pittsburgh, Crossdressing, Transvestites, She-males, hormones, transition, gender studies, counseling. - http://users.adelphia.net/~miranda_vey/
Micheline Montreuil - Attorney, professor, writer and host in Canada. - http://www.micheline.ca/
The Morrígan's WebAerie - Danielle Morrígan Ní Dhighe. Webpage designer, poet, Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan, Irish Republican, Libertarian Socialist, genealogist, and transsexual lesbian. 100% original. Accept no imitations. - http://www.morrigan.net/