Yahoo! Groups: Mumswithhypospadiaskids - A club/listserv for moms of children with hypospadias to discuss child care and their experiences. -
teenswithturners - Supportive mailing list/bulletin board for teens with Turner's Syndrome. -
klinefelterssyndromesgateway - A group where people with XXY chromosomes (Klinefelter's), and parents of XXY folks, discuss its benefits and drawbacks, and how to deal with it. -
AddisonsDisease - Their goal is to provide a free resource for medical professionals and those afflicted with this disease. -
CushingsSyndrome - A Yahoo listserv where others who are facing Cushing's, or have faced it, can meet, talk, and help each other out. -
CanineAddisonsDisease - An email support and information group dedicated to helping people with AD dogs. -
Yahoo! Groups: Hypospadias - A good place for people with this condition to meet and discuss it. -
Yahoo! Groups: IntersexSupport - Where people with part of both sexes can talk. Chat room, links page, message board, and mailing list options. -
TurnersSyndrome-L - For families and individuals with Turner's Syndrome. -
Hypo_penis - This group is for men who have hypospadias and the women who experience them. Share your experiences, thoughts and feelings regarding the hypospadias penis. Pictures are okay. -
Intersex-Forum - Discussion of issues relating to intersexuality, androgyny and gender. Supplements the Interex-Androgynous list. -
Intersex - E-Group for Intersexed people. -
Hypospadias - Large support group for patients and parents. -
CAHwith3BetaHSD - For women who have congenital adrenal hyperplasia and have been diagnosed with 3Beta dehydrogenase deficiency. How rare we are. -
XXYWives - This list is for wives and girlfriends of XXY/Klinefelter's men for support and sharing information. It is a private list and subscribers must be approved. -
TSPeeps - This is a support list for girls with Turner's Syndrome. -
AAKSIS - Formed to provide discussion, support, and fellowship for the international community of those medically diagnosed as being XXY (and variants), or having Klinefelter Syndrome, their supporters, family members, spouses, medical, and psychological advisors. -
XXYNOY - This is a list for parents of xxy sons, or other sex chromosome anomalies. Learning and supporting each other is the goal. It is a restricted list and members must be approved by the moderator. -
Intersexed Society - Support and discussion group for Intersex individuals, there lover(s), and allies. -
Intersex-Androgynous - A place for support and education about and for persons with an intersexed and/or androgynous physical appearance. -
Adrenal Hyperplasia - This is a Rare Disease Support Community eGroup available for anyone interested in making friends, sharing information and/or providing support for persons affected by Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. -
Hermaphrodites on the infobahn - The Intersex Society's own internet mailing list began operation at the end of November. Already those of us with a computer, a modem, and access to email are using it to trade valuable information about our lives, our pain, and our loves. An internet -
XXY List Web Page - A listserv for people with Klinefelter's Syndrome, or XXY chromosomes. Their mission is early diagnosis, education, and to make the world a better place for their XXY brothers. -