Where did we go wrong? - Transman and feminist, Stephen Whittle sorts through theory and personal experiences of past 30 years - http://www.execpc.com/~dmmunson/tsc2k/StephenWhittle.htm
Sunny Camp Trans - Explanation of Camp Trans in comic book form. Handed out at the Michigan Womyns Festival. - http://www.sheerchaos.org/comics/ct2001/index.html
Feminist essay - This article by Jennifer Moore examines the issue of woman only space and socialization. - http://www.uncharted-worlds.org/gender/genderq.htm
Men in Ewes' Clothing - Anti-trans feminist website which argues that transgender is subverting the women's movement. - http://www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/issues/menewes.html
Menacing Feminism, Educating Sisters - Academic paper which defines and explores Trans Feminism. Written by Robert J. Hill. [Requires Acrobat Reader] - http://www.edst.educ.ubc.ca/aerc/2000/hillr1-final.PDF
Trans Feminism - Anne's Trans Reference Site - A excellent collection of trans feminist articles by a University professor who teaches Women Studies. - http://www.humboldt.edu/~mpw1/Feminism/
TS Feminism and TG Politicization - An essay by Jessica Xavier about transgender and feminist issues and community involvement. - http://www.annelawrence.com/tsfeminism.html
Politicizing Gender - An anarchist transgendered womyn examines many issues, such as Brandon Teena and gender essentialism. - http://www.spunk.org/texts/pubs/lr/sp001714/gender.html