Shotgun - A movie about a radical and legally groundbreaking intersexed wedding ceremony in Oakland. -
First Annual Queer Short Movie Awards - PlanetOut's first annual movie awards include two transgender films - the FTM "Straightboy Lessons," and "Jake: Today I Become a Man," the story of a 13-year-old drag queen. All the competing films can be viewed online, in realvideo an -
Bright Lights Film Journal: Tranny Cinema - Reviews of films featuring transgender content. Drag queens and kings, transsexuals, and intersexuals. -
Something Special - 1986 film about a teen girl who finds hir heart's desire is to wake up a boy, and who struggles with adults' insistence that ze "just pick one" gender. -
Tranny Fest: Transgender/Transgenre Cinema - A San Francisco, California-based annual festival of experimental, documentary, dramatic and erotic films with transgendered themes, actors, or filmmakers. -
Counting Past 2 - An annual festival for transgendered performance, film, video, and spoken word art. -
Hyenafilms - The Films of Monika Treut - Includes information about Gendernauts, a movie which explores the phenomena of gender fluidity at the end of the millennium in the California Bay Area. -