The Treehouse - Online forums, chat and information for adult survivors healing from childhood abuse and other trauma -
Child Abuse Survivors' Forum - This forum is for survivors to come to together in an environment where they can express their pain, as well as their journey towards recovery with other survivors. -
Help Us Silence the Horror - Members communicate with others through message boards, live chat, and a private messaging system. -
Sexual Abuse Forums at Recovery Canada - Password-protected forums to exchange messages of support and encouragement. -
Time to Speak - Encourages visitors to break silence by interacting with others via a community message board. -
Adults Molested As Children - This group offers support for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. You will be asked to complete a brief pre-screening. -
Saferoom Project - A club for sexually abused survivors. -
International Child Abuse Network - Twenty four hour chat groups related to child abuse, incest, domestic violence and parenting. -
Parental Concerns Regarding Child Sexual Abuse - This forum is for parents, grandparents and other caregivers to have a place to discuss the many issues and concerns they have with regard to their child's(ren's) abuse. -
Survivors Art Foundation - Committed to empowering trauma-survivors with effective expressive outlets via internet art gallery, outreach programs, and national exhibitions. -
Write To Tell - A forum for allies and people who've survived incest and rape. -
Survivors Forum - A site for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, including message boards, chats, poetry, resources. -