Xstraight edge over 25X - Straight edge group for those 25 years of age and up. - http://xstraightedgeover25x.tribe.net/
sXe Straight Edge Tribe - Online community with discussion boards. Anti: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, meat, dairy, casual sex. Pro: punk/ hardcore, animal rights, keeping your body free of poison. - http://straightedge.tribe.net/
Yahoo Groups: sXe_freaks - For anyone to talk, post poems or stories. Straight edgers mainly but anyone is welcome. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sXe_freaks/
Yahoo Groups: sXe - To get together and discuss living the sXe lifestyle. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sXe/
Straight Edge Life - An online journal of the ordinary life of a straight-edge man in America. Includes book, movie, software and music reviews. Fun quotes. - http://straight-edge-life.com
sXe.com - Message board and website dedicated to the straight edge lifestyle. - http://sxe.com/
PopulationX - A online community for people who live the straight edge life. - http://www.populationx.com
BBC h2g2: Straight Edge Philosophy - An article on the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy explaining what the straight edge lifestyle is and how it came about. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A545212
X Sisterhood X.com - Group promoting girls in hardcore and straightedge through message boards, artwork, articles, reviews, definitions, photography, contests, and community. - http://www.xsisterhoodx.com/
Grrrls With X's On Their Hands - Community geared to females providing a platform of support. Profiles, message boards, interviews, merchandise, and free email. - http://www.x-grrrls.com/
Straight Edge .com - Internet community geared toward the SxE lifestyle offering message boards, java chat room, and profiles. - http://www.straightedge.com/
Straight Edge Online - Offers thought-provoking comments on the clean life. Includes message boards, free email and articles. - http://www.toefur.com/straightedge/
Vegan-Straightedge Mailing List - Run by a Toronto writer. Postings remain entirely uncensored. - http://www.joeclark.org/vsxe.html
Kids With an Edge - Article and interview by Simon Fraser University's newspaper. - http://www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/97-3/issue4/edge.html