Plain Talk - Approaches prevention of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases through developing and enhancing parent-child communication. -
Youth Connections - Provides information, expertise and resources with the intent of preventing and breaking the cycle of teen pregnancy. -
Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention - ReCAPP provides a comprehensive approach to teen pregnancy. Programs include: multi-media public awareness, parent and community education, peer education, professional training, and supportive health services. -
The UP Connection, Inc. - Teen pregnancy prevention programs with education, referral, support services, and a group home for pregnant and parenting teenagers. Located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. -
Best Practices in Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention - Information on program models, cultural competency, staff development, and evaluation as applied to prevention programs. -
SIECUS Adolescent Pregnancy - Sexuality Information and Education Counsel of the U.S. Focuses on identifying teens at risk and preventing behaviors that lead to unintended pregnancy. -
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy - NCPTP seeks to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families by reducing pregnancy among teenagers by supporting appropriate values and actions. -