Tejas Yoga - Houston - Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga classes for all levels. Pictures of 28 asanas, links to ashtanga resources and study aids. - http://www.houstonyoga.com/
The Yoga Haven - Galveston Island - Information on daily group yoga classes, private instruction and workshops. Also includes faq and links. - http://www.theyogahaven.net/
Om Yoga Center - Schedule, description, fees and location of the Yoga classes in Dallas. - http://www.omlifeyoga.org/
Oasis Yoga Studio - Houston - Two locations of yoga studios offer classes, special events, day spa and gift store. - http://oasisyogastudio.com
Main Street Yoga - Georgetown - Information on group yoga and pilates classes in a variety of styles and levels. - http://www.mainstreetyogapilates.com/
Yoga Island - Flower Mound - Information on workshops and group and private yoga classes in a variety of styles. - http://www.yogaisland.com/
Bikram Yoga Downtown Dallas - Information on classes taught by Atina McCrary and Yassi Maige. - http://www.bikramyogadowntown.com/
Phoenix Rising Internal Arts - Grapevine - Classes offered in Yoga, Pilates, T'ai Chi and Qigong. Include schedule, prices, and locations. - http://www.phoenixrisinginternalarts.com/
Natural Trends - Plano/Frisco - Daily group yoga classes in a variety of styles and levels including prenatal and family yoga. Massage, workshops and natural health therapies. - http://www.naturaltrends.biz
Hot Body Yoga - San Antonio - Classes in hot, vinyasa, and gentle yoga and meditation. In-studio store. - http://hotbodyyoga.com
Kripalu Yoga in Houston - Duane Hendricks teaches group and private lessons in Kripalu Yoga. Includes class schedule, instructor profile, links and FAQ. - http://www.yogaduane.com
Plano Yoga Connection - Information on yoga classes and workshops in a variety of styles including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Power yoga. - http://www.planoyogaconnection.com
N2Yoga - Plano - Teacher training in Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School. Beginner classes, prenatal clases and yoga for children and families. - http://www.n2yoga.net
Mamaste Yoga - Plano - Prenatal yoga classes and prenatal yoga teacher training and certification program. - http://www.mamasteyoga.com
Yoga in Motion - San Antonio - Yoga center specializing in Vinyasa (flow style) yoga. Classes for all levels and ages including prenatal and for kids. - http://www.yogainmotionsa.com
Yoga for Life - Dallas - Offers workshops and classes in yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, meditation, Feng Shui, and aromatherapy. - http://www.yfldallas.com/
Dhyana Yoga - Dallas - Certified Jivamukti yoga instructor offers group and private yoga instruction, including a restorative class. - http://www.dhyanayoga.com
The AwareHouse - Austin - Anahata Loft's offers Kundalini Yoga classes and special events. - http://www.theawarehouse.com
The Yoga Center: Houston - John Coon conducts Vinyasakrama Yoga classes. Information on schedule, content, and fees. - http://www.yogacenter.com/
Yoga with Gaileee - Victoria - Fitness yoga, based off of YogaFit. - http://www.gpbwebworks.com/exercise/
Living Yoga Dallas - Kendall A. Inman offers a variety of ongoing workshops to enhance and expand the practice of yoga in Dallas. - http://www.livingyogadallas.com/
BKS Iyengar Yoga Studio of Dallas - Studio teaches a variety of yoga classes and workshops. Two year teacher training program and in-studio store. - http://www.dallasiyengaryoga.com
The Good Space - Houston - Yoga and Pilates studio offers a variety of classes, massage, and reiki. - http://www.thegoodspace.com
Sunstone Yoga - Dallas - Studio offers 90 minute hot series yoga classes. Information about studio, yoga, and a online video of a class. - http://www.sunstoneyoga.com
Yoga Groove - Austin - Teresa Pickler, owner/director teaches Bikram group yoga classes. Schedule, explanation of method and information for first-timers. - http://www.yogagroove.com/
Bikram Yoga College of India, Fort Worth - Schedule and background information on group classes in the Bikram style of yoga. Center also offers private instruction and massage therapy. - http://www.bikramyogafortworth.com/
Bikram Yoga Houston - Schedule, fee, directions, teachers and background information on center's group Bikram yoga classes. - http://www.bikramyogahouston.com/
Bikram Yoga Grapevine - Center provides group Bikram yoga classes, and massage. Class information, FAQ, and testimonials. - http://www.bikramyogagrapevine.com/
Yoga Body - Houston - Studio has certified instructors teaching group Bikram yoga classes. Pictures and benefits of each of the 26 poses, testimonials, and a newsletter. - http://www.yogabodyhouston.com/
Bodhi Yoga - Austin - Two studios in one space offer a full schedule Bikram yoga classes, and another set of Ashtanga, Kundalini, Iyengar, Pre-Natal/Post-Partum and Kids yoga classes. - http://www.bodhiyoga.com/
Yoga Vida - Austin - Yoga classes in the Bikram method. Includes class schedule, instructor profile, and FAQ. - http://www.yogavida.net/
Bikram Yoga Dallas - Schedule, rates and information on daily Bikram yoga classes, in addition to massage therapy. Many testimonials, and student success stories. - http://www.bikramyogadallas.com/
Dallas Yoga Center - Studio offers yoga classes, workshops and in-studio store. Classes for all levels including a special beginner series, restorative, pre and postnatal and mommy and me. - http://www.dallasyogacenter.com/
Expanding Paradigms - Austin - Charles MacInerney teaches hatha yoga classes, workshops, retreats, Raja yoga, and meditation for beginners and intermediate students. Also offers teacher training. - http://www.yogateacher.com
Whole Life Health Center - Dallas - Services include Power Yoga, Tibetan Kung Fu, and Ju Jitsu classes, as well as massage, acupuncture, and Reiki. - http://www.dallaspoweryoga.com
Texas Yoga Center - Houston - Center offers adult yoga classes, meditation and massage. Class descriptions, calendar, and directions. - http://www.texasyogacenter.com
Priya Yoga Studio - Dallas, Lakewood area - Class schedules and rates, teacher training and workshops. - http://www.priyayoga.net
Crescent Moon Yoga - Irving - Radha Fagan offers group classes at Mustang Park and Northwest Park. - http://www.crescentmoonyoga.org
Texas Yoga - Group fosters the development of a statewide yoga community. Provides directory of teachers, list of workshops, an annual retreat, teacher training certification and resources on yoga. - http://www.texasyoga.com/
Yoga Hmmm - Houston - Studio offers yoga classes and workshops for beginners through advanced. - http://www.yogahmmm.com/
Clear Spring Studio - Austin - Studio teaches classes and workshops in Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini and Satyananda yoga, as well as meditation, tai chi, and qigong. Massage therapy and online purchase of classes. - http://www.clearspringstudio.com/
Houston Iyengar Yoga - Studio teaches Iyengar yoga group classes and workshops for all levels. Special classes for restorative and prenatal. Pictures demonstrate levels of practice. - http://www.houstoniyengaryoga.com/
YogAndrew - Houston - Andrew Bartelt teaches group or private classes in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Schedule, price, resources and pictures of poses. - http://www.yogandrew.com/
Penny Crosson - Midland - Shambhava/hatha yoga and meditation classes and massage therapy treatments. - http://www.pennycrosson.com/
Devanand Yoga Center - Houston - Schedule of Hatha yoga classes incorporating postures, breathing, meditation and chanting. - http://www.houstonyoga.org/
Ananda - Dallas - A center for meditation, yoga, and the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Offers classes, seminars, and worship services. - http://www.anandadallas.org/