Magical Community Forums - A place for everyone who deals with magic, those starting in the magic world and those who seek help from the magical world. -
Wiccan Trails - A registered-user-only community appealing to Wiccans. -
Pagan and Born Right the First Time - Intended as a teaching and learning forum for all things Pagan. All are welcome to join the community and speak their mind. -
Magickal Enchantments - A forum for all Pagans, no matter what your path, to come together and meet with other Pagans, to learn new things, and above all have fun! -
Swyngyfaredd - Meet, greet, learn, explore, share, get help and give help in the free community forums, and chat room. -
Silver Broom - An online Book of Shadows in a messageboard format. Includes topical articles and horoscopes. -
Eldritchs Crypt Forum - Designed as a place to chat, network, and/or ask questions relating to Wicca. -
The Green World Forum - A community of Green Witches, Pagans, and others of similar religions. -
A Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft Forum - Active discussion forum whose topics include spirituality, Pagan traditions, all Earth-bound paths, herbalism, recipes, and reviews. -
alt.religion.wicca.moderated Homepage - A moderated newsgroup for Wiccans, Witches, and Pagans to share ideas and information pertaining to the Craft. -