Traditional Witch - A non-wiccan community site with an active forum for traditional witches. -
Traditional Witchcraft at Blue Moon Manor - Information resource for the Trad Craft - a practical approach to the pre-Gardnerian beliefs and practices of British Traditional Witchcraft. The site includes beginners' information and orientation, articles, and a Glossary of Witchcraft Terms. -
Old Thread Witch - A pre-Roman Euro-Spanish witchcraft from a family tradition bruja. Includes Spanish paganism, ancient Phoenician influences and bruja/witch charms and practices. -
Cottage of the Hedgewytch - Journey into the world of British Isles Traditional Witchcraft as seen and experienced by a practicing Hedgewytch who follows the Old Faery Faith with essays on Geomancy, Wortcunning, Cartomancy and more. -
The Ravening - A traditional witchcraft site teaching witchcraft of yesteryear, a unique course in witchcraft and introduction to the Ravening witch family. -
Gods of the Witches - Dr Margeret Murray's controversial thesis on the ideas and development of witchcraft in Europe. -
Pellorys: A West Country path of cunning - Explains some of the beliefs of the Pellors, one of the Cunning Folk, healers, or fairy doctors at one time common in the West Country of Britain. -
Children of the Elder Gods Webring - A collective webring of sites focussing on pre-Gardnerian, pre-Christian beliefs. -
House Shadow Drake - A Heathen informational resource featuring pre-Gardnerian family traditional Witchcraft and Celtic folklore. -