Heru's Temple - An online website of adoration to the Kemetic Deity, Heru (greek. Horus). - http://www.astasar.com/Heru/
The Domain of Bast - Dedicated to the dissemination of information on Bast, the feline-headed goddess of ancient Egypt. - http://www.per-bast.org/bast/
Per Djehuty - Articles on Djehuty or Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and patron of scribes. - http://t.students.umkc.edu/tardyg
Osiris - Hymns to the god, manners of worship, and his forms and names. - http://www.touregypt.net/OSIRIS.HTM
Egyptian Passion Plays - Description of ancient Egyptian dramas which celebrated the resurrection of Osiris. - http://www.theatrehistory.com/origins/egypt001.html
The Domain of Het-Hert (Hathor) - Comprehensive history of Hathor's worship in Ancient Egypt; myths, hymns, archaeological sites, references, images. - http://www.hethert.org