Temenos Theon - An additional resource of information for Hellenismos, or Greek religion. - http://kyrene.4t.com/
The Stele, Homepage of the Omphalos - The Omphalos is a networking organization for Graeco-Roman Polytheists. The Stele contains many resources for followers of Greek or Roman traditions. - http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/OM/
Sacred Geometry - Everything you need to experience the genius of Sacred Pythagorean Geometry. - http://www.intent.com/sg/
The Dionysion - dedicated to serving as a general resource for votaries of the God Dionysos and His Mysteries, and as a specific resource for the thriving Pacific Northwest Dionysiac community and for the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship, located in Portland - http://www.hermeticfellowship.org/Dionysion/Dionysion.html
Dodecatheon - Official site of the traditional polytheistic Hellenic religion of the Dodekatheon, news, free articles, pictures, movies, about greek religion, classical Hellas and religious freedom. - http://homepage.mac.com/dodecatheon
Pagan Apologetics - A collection of essays defending Hellenic polytheism and Paganism in general. Also includes some other religious essays. - http://paganapologetics.faithweb.com
Technitai Dionusou - The Artists of Dionysos - Devoted to the Greek wine god Dionysos, with information on ancient Hellenic polytheism, an online temple, links, and mailing list. - http://www.winterscapes.com/dionysus/