The Druid Network ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - An international resource including articles, courses, events, reviews, profiles, information on belief, rituals, Orders, groves, gorseddau, sacred sites, members' database and forums. -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)
The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids ![Open in a new window](/images/NewWin.gif) ![Link Details](/images/LinkDetails.gif) - Information on Wicca, ancient druidry, beginning druidism, blessings, robes, related websites, white magic, celtic religion, Druid history and religion, and mythology. -![Lock this listing - So it can't be removed](/images/but_lock_regular.gif) ![Lock this listing - and upgrade it to Featured](/images/but_lockupgrade.gif)