Unitarian Universalism - Expresses the view that Unitarian Universalism is church without a creed that espouses Buddhism, Paganism, and Satanism as readily as Christianity. - http://www.contenderministries.org/unitarianuniv.php
Unitarian Universalists - Christian or Cult? - Views of Biblical Discernment Ministries claiming that the UUs deny almost every doctrine of the Christian faith, and have replaced the worship of God with a worship of self, teaching that human reason and experience take precedence over the Word of God. - http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Cults/unitari.htm
What is Unitarianism? - Offers the opinion that Unitarian universalists use many biblical concepts and terms but with non-biblical meanings and that the religion is not Christian. - http://www.carm.org/uni/unitarianism.htm
The Unitarian/Universalist Cult - Expresses the view that the Unitarian/Universalist movement is a group of lost people trying to re-create that which Jesus has already fully given at the Cross. - http://www.bibleteacher.org/Dm006.htm
Examining the Unitarians - A Christian criticism of Unitarianism. - http://www.macgregorministries.org/cult_groups/unitarians.html
Cult of Unitarian Universalism - An analysis of the historical and current heresies of Unitarianism. - http://www.eaec.org/cults/unitarianuniversalism.htm