Expagans 4 Christ - Gone from being a family practicing Wicca to one that is sold out for God. - http://www.expagans4christ.com
exWitch Australia - Ex-High Priest of a Neo-Pagan Coven in Australia. Forum for ex-Witches. Aims to educate about Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft and the occult in a fair & truthful manner. - http://exwitchaustralia.com
The Born Again Pagan - Testimony, articles and resources aiming to educate about the occult in a fair, truthful manner. - http://bornagainpagan.multiservers.com/index.html
The Modern World of Witchcraft - Article looking at the spread of Wicca and modern witchcraft. - http://www.apologeticsindex.org/w04.html
A Wicca Primer - Outline of Wiccan beliefs and practices from Christianity Today. - http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2000/012/13.108.html
Wicca: A Biblical Critique - This article examines some of the fundamental doctrines of Wicca, offers a biblical critique of those doctrines, and highlight the differences between Wicca and Christianity. - http://www.probe.org/docs/wicca.html
Good News for Witches - Article on Witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, and how local churches respond. - http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2000/012/11.106.html
Ex-Witch Ministries - A web site run by former witches who are now Christians. Also has a message board for ex-witches. - http://www.exwitch.org/
An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Why does Wicca have the drawing power it has? Why is the ancient paganism behind it enjoying a modern revival? Donalyn Vaughn, former Wiccan, answers these and other questions. - http://www.spiritwatch.org/pagtest1.htm
Witnessing to Witches - Craig Hawkins offers Christians some tips for sharing their faith with witches. - http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0070a.html
Witchcraft and Satanism - Asserts that Pan, worshipped by Wiccans, is the universal symbol for Satan. - http://www.forerunner.com/champion/X0044_Witchcraft_and_Satan.html
Witchcraft and Abortion - A selection of articles that attempt to prove that abortion is a sacrament of Pagan religion. - http://www.forerunner.com/champion/X0038.html
What do you know about Witchcraft? - Collection of articles critical to Wicca. Christian perspective. - http://www.exposingsatanism.org/witchcraft.htm
Goddesses and Wicca Worship - Focusing on the Goddess worship aspect of Neo-paganism, and of Wicca in particular as an affront to Christian principles. - http://notendur.centrum.is/~snorrigb/Cult-fem.htm