Fatwa: What is Qadiyaniyyah? - Clarifies that Ahmadiyya is out of the pale of Islam. By Fatwa-Online.com (various scholars). - http://www.fatwa-online.com/deviantgroups/qaadiyaaniyyah/0010513.htm
Fatwa: Are Lahores out of the fold of Islam too? - Explains how juridically considered Lahores cannot be distinguished from the Qadiani group (strict sense) and thus are considered out of the fold of Islam as well. - http://www.al-islam.org/organizations/aalimnetwork/msg00434.html
Fatwa: Can Ahmadi be buried in Muslim cemetery? - Shaykh Syed ad-Darsh, former Faqih of Al-Azhar and Chairman of UK Shari'ah Council explains why an Ahmadi cannot be buried on Muslim cemetery. - http://ireland.iol.ie/~afifi/Ad-Darsh/15.11.96.htm
Fatwa: What is the belief of the Mirzahees? - Fatwa under supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai, South Africa. Provides overview of activities of Ahmadis. - http://islam.tc/ask-imam/view.php?q=441
Fatwa: What is the Position of the Ahmadiyya Movement? - Explains how both Shia and Sunni Islam consider Ahmadiyya teachings to be not only unislamic but contrary to the Holy Book. - http://www.al-islam.org/organizations/aalimnetwork/msg00432.html