Self Help and Psychology Magazine - Letter sent in to the magazine discussing a child who used a channeling board. The church later told her that she needed a special prayer to heal from the effects of the board. -
The Ouija Board - Another Christian view of the channeling board offering several resources that warn against their use. -
Skeptic's Dictionary: Ouija Boards - Asserts that the movement of the planchette is not due to paranormal forces but to unnoticeable movements by those controlling the pointer. -
Ouija Boards - Channeling boards are the tool of Satan. -
Beliefnet - Christian viewpoint on whether or not one can contact angels through a channeling board. -
ZetaTalk: Ouija Boards - A brief discussion of why the channeling board does not contact the spirit world. -
Don't Get Trapped - Story of a young woman's trip from the church pew, into a life of hell. It all started with a channeling board. -
Goodrich and the ERA Ouija Board - Article claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses' oscilloclast, a medical device used by the religion, is only a complex channeling board. -
Mama Rose - Spiritualist who does not approve of the channeling board, stating, "As a psychic exercise, it is questionable at best. As a method of divination, it is worthless." -
Ouija in the Classroom - A teacher conducts an experiment with his students to disprove the channeling board. -
Ouija Board Protection Ritual - Tongue-in-cheek ritual to protect you form the evils of the channeling board. Don't forget your Elvis statue! -
TGHRS - 'GhostBusting' - Professional ghostbusters warn that the use of channeling boards can only end in negative results. -