William Gunderson - Articles putting forward one man's view of metaphysics and universal consciousness. - http://www.williamgunderson.com/
Modern Spiritual Philosophy - A resource of philosophical and spiritual concepts in the form of theories, fables, and articles. - http://www.modernphilosophy.com/
Energetic Science Ministries - Developing a unified spiritual and scientific model that uncovers the connections between consciousness, infinite quantum potential, and the large-scale universe. - http://www.esmhome.org/
Modern Theosophy: Metaphysics - Articles on metaphysics, by authors like H.P. Blavatsky, W.Q. Judge and others. Issues discussed include 'god', soul and consciousness, the nature of reality and chaos. - http://www.katinkahesselink.net/metaphys/
What Is Metaphysics - Comparing the philosophy of metaphysics with new age belief systems and spirituality. - http://www.whatismetaphysics.com/
Prisms of Reality - Explorations in the metaphysics of reality through a creative community dedicated to discussing alternate dimensions and bridges across them. - http://www.prismsofreality.com/
Transpersonal Semantics - Practical and mystical reflections on meaning from a spiritual vs. philosophical perspective, and an exploration of crucial distinctions between the form and essence of things. - http://www.bookreader.org/m
Philosophy of Pattern - Writings and essays based on the Philosophy of Being. - http://metafysica.nl/
Metaphysics Glossary - Glossary of classic notions such as spirit, matter, ego, mind, and liberty. - http://www.cosmicledger.com/glossary/index.html
Trinity Concept - Trinity concept presented with I Ching trigrams and Urantia Book terms. - http://www.trinityconcept.com
Metasphere - Online reading with animation and sound of a work regarding the septenary metaphysics utilizing structure of consciousness and integrated reality theory. - http://metasphere.org/
Cosmogenics - Recent scientific knowledge brought into relation to metaphysics. - http://www.cosmogenics.org
Alphomism - Description of this belief-system and its practical implications. - http://universetheory.com/
Astral Traveler - Spiritual Consciousness for this level and beyond. Discussions on all the facets of mankind, and the universe. - http://www.astraltraveler.com/
The Eternal Book - The Divine Story symbolized by the Zodiac. The ultimate revelation, bringing full illumination of mind and heart and unifying seekers from all paths. - http://www.eternalbook.com/
The Roots of the New Age Movement - New Age philosophy is based on ancient traditions, alchemy, gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry. Its roots are explored in Eastern and Western traditions. - http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/newage3.html
The Metaphysics Research Lab - Developers of the axiomatic theory of abstract objects and relations. - http://mally.stanford.edu/index.html