Maharishi Vedic City - Incorporated in 2001 where every building is designed according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design. Includes a welcome message from the mayor, visitor's guide, directory of officials and location map. -
Maharishi Sthapatya Veda in Canada - Provides details of housing projects in Canada using the Sthapatya Veda design. -
Maharishi European Sidhaland - A community project including a Vedic health centre and a school. Details of activities and courses. Skelmersdale, United Kingdom. -
The Transcendental Meditation Program - Official US site. Information on the technique, research studies, and other advanced programmes. -
Transcendental Meditation - Programmes of the Maharishi Foundation of New Zealand. -
Transcendental Meditation Scotland - Guide to this form of meditation and resources in Scotland. Also information about ayurveda and other treatments. -