Judaic Messianism - An explanation of the true Jewish concept of the Messiah and the differences between Jewish and Christian beliefs about the nature of the Savior. - http://www.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/relstudies/290/judaism/
Moshiach and the Future Redemption - Provides a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of the Jewish idea of Moshiach and the future redemption. - http://www.chabad.org/library/article.asp?AID=332562
Moshiach Online - Information about the coming of the Jewish Messiah. - http://www.moshiach.com
Judaism 101: Moshiach: The Messiah - Traditional Jewish concept of the messiah (moshiach): what he will be like, what he will do, what the messianic age will be like, and why Jews do not believe Jesus was the messiah. - http://www.jewfaq.org/moshiach.htm