Baycrest Heritage Museum - The Baycrest Heritage Museum is a Judaica museum which regularly exhibits its permanent collection of Jewish religious and domestic items as well as frequent temporary exhibits on Jewish themes. Located in northwest Toronto. Free admission. Formerly know -
Spertus Museum Online - Online information on Spertus Museum, Chicago's Jewish museum, which invites visitors to encounter the realm of Jewish history, religion, art and culture through its exhibitions and programs. The largest Jewish museum between the two coasts, Spertus Muse -
Camus Gallery of Fine Jewish Art - Israeli gallery specializing in ceramics, glass, paintings, and textile arts. With pictures and order information. -
Yeshiva University Museum Online - Provides a window into Jewish culture throughout the world and throughout history by showcasing Yeshiva University Museum's multi-disciplinary exhibitions and award-winning publications. Since its founding in 1973, Yeshiva University Museum's changing ex -
Artwork by Lynn Rae Lowe - Judaica, bronze and steel sculpture, home décor items, and 2D art. -
Farkash Gallery - Located in Israel, this gallery offers rare Judaica items and Jewish art (such as : paintings,silver,rare books and every other piece from the jewish history). -
P.A. Pursuits - An on line gallery of paper and fiber art with Judaic motifs by artist Lois Ann Mittleman. -
Jewish Museum - Stockholm, Sweden - The museum, which is the only one of its kind in the Nordic countries and is a member of the Swedish Association of Museums. Details of the history of Swedish Jews and exhibits are provided. -