Jafariyanews.com - News and current affairs for the Shia community; also includes a collection of resource articles and biographies. - http://www.jafariyanews.com/
Al-Tawhid Journal - A collection of significant articles from a Journal of Islamic Thought and Culture, published by the Foundation of Islamic Thought, Qum, Iran. - http://al-islam.org/al-tawhid/
Al-Serat - A collection of significant articles from a Journal of Islamic Studies, published by the Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. - http://al-islam.org/al-serat/
Victory News Magazine - Various articles on the Shia faith ranging from Quran, politics, Islamic art to history and architecture - http://www.victorynewsmagazine.com
Shia Radio - ShiaRadio includes live quran recitals and live broadcasts. - http://www.shiaradio.com